If you feel any common questions are missing, feel free to message a wiki adminstrator or wiki staff member.
How do I join Havoc Games?
You can join using a java account with the IP play.havoc.games
The port on MCPE/Bedrock is default.
How do I join different gamemodes?
By opening the compass in your inventory and clicking on a head you may connect to the desired server. Also walking up to the server NPCs and clicking them. Some gamemode require a certain version+ to connect. More on the servers below.
Unfortunately, there are no other supported modes other than "The Mining Dead" for Bedrock.
I get the error message "not authenticated with Minecraft.net", what seems to be the issue?
You are using a "cracked" unregistered Minecraft account, this Server does not support them.
If you get this message even if you have a registered account, contact us via discord!
I am sending too many packets, what do I do?
Try to disable the Server resourcepacks in the server selection screen. To do that click once on the server, then on EDIT there you can set the server resoucepacks to off.
It says I need to relog multiple times (I did but it does still not letting me connect), what do I do?
Try to refresh the server selection page and rejoin as many times as the screen tells you, in case you did, but it stil does not let you connect please message a moderator as they can help you further
Invaild Port?
Use the default Port (19132). If there is still issues, please contact us via discord!
Where can I find the texturepack?
In case you have to disabled server resourcepacks due to the problems named above, you can download it manually from the chat message which will pop up in chat. Follow the link and download the corresponding texturepack version from there. For extra links check our discord.
I didn't receive my rank/other rank related questions or problems (+ vouchers)
It can take up to 15 minutes for a purchased rank to be applied ingame, aswell as relogging. In case you did not receive your rank in that time, please make a store ticket
I can’t place my vehicle!(JAVA)
You can’t place a vehicle too close to a safezone. Try to venture farther from your nearest safezone and you should be able to place your vehicle.
On bedrock you may not currently use vehicles. This will be fixed later down the line.
How do I reload my weapon?
You can reload your weapon by pressing Q or the button you use to drop items from your inventory. Make sure you have the correct ammo for your gun in your inventory.
How often do loot bags reset?
Loot bags reset every 10-15 minutes.
How do I get a whisperer's mask?
You can get a whisperer’s mask by killing whisperers. They have a small chance of dropping them.
How do I get walker guts?
Walker Guts were recently removed. You won't be able to obtain them anymore.
I don't have all the camos, but I'm a Mythical!
You don’t have any missing camos. In the vehicle camos it says you have 12/16, but you have all of them! In case you actually do however, please contact us on discord!
How do I claim a base?
You can claim a base by doing /base claim in an unclaimed base. You need to have the appropriate amount of materials and money to claim a base.
How do I find a base?
You can track unclaimed bases with your compass on the top left, but if it says there are no bases to track, there are no available bases to claim at the moment and you can either wait for a base to decay or raid one!
How do I raid a base?
You can raid a base with explosives like C4s, grenades, and grenade launchers.
What are base gems?
You can receive gems from voting or buying them from our shop. You can use them to upgrade your base without having to use materials.
They can only be used on the pve realm.
How to craft C4
By placing a Gascan, electic circuit, gun powder, and metal together in your inventory crafting grid.
How to attach a Scope
Using your crafting grid in your inventory, you can place a scope and the gun you wish to apply the scope to in the grid. Guns you can attach scopes to include:
How to get materials from items
You can get various items such as metal, cloth and wood from items by putting the item in your crafting grid. Some items may not scrap to anything.
How to craft a bandage
Put 4 cloth in all spaces of your inventory crafting grid to gain a bandage. 4 cloth form 1 bandage, reverting (putting 1 bandage in there) gives you 3 cloth back.
How do I vote?
In-game you can vote by doing /vote and clicking the 5 links from the voting book. All vote links and vote leaderboard can be found here. https://havoc.games/vote/
How do I claim my voting rewards?
You can claim your voting rewards also by doing /vote and then clicking the 'vote rewards' at the bottom of the page.
How do I receive my voucher after voting?
If you unlock the 30 day voting reward (150 or 140 votes in February) you can click the small icon in the voting rewards to have the voucher code be displayed in chat. Make sure to write it down!
In case you lose it, a staff member will be able to look it up if you open a ticket on our discord server.
My gift card code is invalid, what do I do?
Old giftcards may need to be updated using a command ingame. Just type /convertgiftcard (codehere) to get it updated.
How can I get crates?
Crates can be obtained by voting, earned monthly via rank, bought in the havoc games shop or via coin shop.
Bought crates can only be opened on the not competitive realms.
Where do I claim my crates?
Crates can be claimed either in spawn or in a safezone. There will be a chest with "Crates" writen hovering over top.
How do I apply for Staff/Builder/YouTuber?
You can apply for positions on the server with the following links:
Staff: https://bit.ly/HMC-StaffApplication
Builder: https://bit.ly/HMC-BuilderApplication
YouTuber/Streamer: https://bit.ly/HMC-YTApplication
How do I apply for the Creative Team?
You can apply for the Creative Team by DMing the Creative Team Leader over Discord. They’ll be able to walk you through the steps of joining the team.
How do I apply for Game Manager or Developer?
Listings for Game Manager or Developer roles can be found here: https://havoc.games/jobs/
How long does it take to receive a response on my application?
It can take anywhere from one day to a month for any response on an application.
What are the rules?
Here are all the rules we have here on HavocMC. Please keep in mind that they’re subject to change, updates are mentioned on discord!
The Mining Dead: https://havoc.games/rules/
Towny: https://bit.ly/HMC-TownyRules1
Forums: https://havocmc.net/pages/forumrules/
Discord: https://discord.com/channels/275095006354604032/1003785044688638082
What mods are we allowed to use?
read about them here:https://havoc.games/threads/allowed-mods-list.4613/
I lost my items to a hacker! Am I entitled to compensation?
You are entitled to compensation if you have footage of you dying to a hacker with your items in the video.
I died to a glitch/server issue! Can I get my items back?
Same as losing items to a hacker if you have footage or significant proof of you losing your items to a glitch or server issue, you may be intilted to item compensation.
How do I make a forums account?
You need to register via ingame. Run the command /register and follow the steps it provides. Only available to java players at the moment.
How do I submit a support ticket?
You can submit a support ticket here: https://havocmc.net/support/open
How long does it take for me to get a response on my appeal?
Ideally, it should only take up to a 3 days, but it may take longer if a Sr+ or Game Manager banned you.
How long should I wait to appeal to be unbanned/unmuted?
Usually submitting an appeal 2-3 months after receiving your punishment should suffice, but it may take longer for more serious offences, if you’re a repeat offender, or if you attempt to evade your ban/mute.
How do I verify/connect my Minecraft account to my Discord account?
You can verify by typing /mc-token in-game to receive your code, and DMing the HavocGames bot "!verify (code)"
If you verify for the first time, you will receive 500 ingame coins as well.
How do I update my rank after verifying in the past?
Use /syncrank on discord to verify again.
The Mining Dead Commands